Mr. Jordan’s E-Portfolio

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“We know what we are, but not what we may be”

—– William Shakespeare


The itinerant English teacher —

Passionate about life, family, and the infinite power of words.

Educational Philosophy

I come to teaching from a non-traditional background. After working as a researcher and an analyst in career fields after graduating from college, I discovered my calling in life as a high school English teacher at a new Upper School program at a small Quaker school in Virginia Beach.  

At Virginia Beach Friends School, I found that all of the disparate influences on my life and intellect crystallized in teaching, and that I was one of the fortunate few who had found the thing he did best.  My first years in the classroom were inspiring, enlightening, and terrifying, but my students and I persevered and grew together as learners and teacher.  That experience kindled my love of teaching, and inspired me to seek more training to become a better teacher.  After leaving Virginia Beach Friends School, I sought that training at the Curry School of Education, where I earned a Master’s in Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

After completing my Master’s degree, I pursued additional graduate coursework in curriculum design and brain-based pedagogy, then spent several years researching effective curriculum and instruction and brain-based teaching.  I have recently returned to the classroom as a substitute teacher and to school as a student at Hollins University to sharpen my skills.  

My experience as a non-traditional teacher and then a non-traditional student of education have made me a better teacher. I am excited to return to the classroom and bring the knowledge I have gained through practice, research, and formal instruction to the education of students in my own classroom.